to the
The English Dominican
Congregation of
St Catherine of Siena

We are the English Dominican Congregation of St Catherine of Siena, a religious community of apostolic life, following the rule of St. Augustine as Dominican Sisters.
The primary purpose of our Order and Congregation is to serve God through prayer and mission, principally by preaching
As Dominicans, we strive to follow the mission of St Dominic in the four-fold dimension of prayer, study, community life and mission

Let my prayer be counted
as incense before thee, and
the lifting up of my hands
as an evening sacrifice!

Our life of prayer is at the centre of our religious life. The celebration of the Eucharist has first place in our community prayer. Our days are structured around praying the Divine Office in common. Other private prayers include the Rosary, prayer for the departed, and regular spiritual reading, especially of the Holy Scriptures. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is a regular part of the sisters' lives

Behold, how good and joyful a thing it is... to dwell together in unity!
As Dominicans, our religious life is essentially lived in community, a sign in the Church and in the world of that fellowship in Christ to which all are called. We try to dwell in unity and to have but one soul and one heart in God. Thus, among ourselves, we strive to live in mutual trust, affirmation and mercy.

'Every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old' (Matt 13.52)
The charism of the Dominican Order is contained in our great motto, ‘Veritas’ (Truth). Dominican sisters, as members of the Order of Preachers, and whether or not they are involved in academic work, are committed to devoting time and energy to increasing their knowledge and deepening their understanding of the Wisdom of God. Dominican study is not simply an exercise in acquiring paper qualifications, or even the acquisition of knowledge for its own sake, but should always be directed to a deeper knowledge of the things of God, enabling us, in the words of our third motto
‘To praise, To bless and to preach'
(Laudare Benedicere, Praedicare)

'Go, therefore, teach all nations' Matt. 28.19
Preaching’ is the general title of our mission. We understand this very broadly, and sisters work in a broad field of differing apostolates. The golden thread which links all of these is the recognition of the goodness of God’s creation, and the essential dignity of humanity made in His image. Sisters work in a variety of missions, usually (but not exclusively) under the broad headings of education, chaplaincy and health-care.

God is the primary source of our vocation as Christians. Within that call, some are called to a deeper living out of their baptismal commitment in religious life. Could that person be you? Explore our Vocation and Formation page, or have a look at some answers to the most frequently asked questions
I have called you by name; you are mine (Is.43.1)

All of our houses are currently in England. We have houses in Stone, Staffordshire; Cambridge; Leicester; and Stroud, Gloucestershire. The sisters support their local communities in a variety of missions including teaching, chaplaincy and pastoral work

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