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Donate to the English Dominican Congregation of St. Catherine of Siena

We rely on your Support!

If you are living in the U.K., it saves us money if you are able to donate via direct deposit. The following are the bank details you will need in order to do this:

Royal Bank of Scotland, 62/63 Threadneedle Street, London EC2R 8LA, United Kingdom
Telephone: 03457 242424
Account name: EDC Cambridge (EDC stands for "English Dominican Congregation")
Sort Code: 16 0015
Account #: 23144770
IBAN: GB25 RBOS1600 1523 1447 70

Otherwise, to donate via Paypal, Credit card or debit card, within the U.K., click on the button below:

To donate to us from outside the U.K., you will first need a Paypal account. Then click on the link below, and you will be prompted to sign in to your account.

Thank you for your Generosity!