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Aquinas on the Passions Talk 10: On Anger

 Sr Mary Magdalene's final talk in her series on Aquinas on the Passions.  Click on the picture for the video.
Sr. Mary Magdalene, O.P., will also discuss when anger can be good or bad, and how the virtues of clemency and meekness can help us to moderate our anger. For an overview of the 11 main passions as well a few slides explaining them, go to the first talk, "Passions and Virtues in a Time of Distress," at Please be sure to Like our videos and Subscribe to Thomistic Studies. Be sure to visit also and,.Thomistic Studies is for persons interested in studying the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas and applying it to daily life. In the course of these videos, Sr. Mary Magdalene, O.P., a Dominican sister with the English Dominican Congregation of St. Catherine of Siena (Stone, U.K.), will explain Aquinas' teaching on various topics, and viewers are free to discuss it and learn more from one another. Sr. Magdalene has an S.T.L. (Licentiate in Sacred Theology) in Thomistic Studies from the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C. Prayer Attributed to St. Thomas Aquinas: “Whatever is pleasing to you, O merciful God, may I ardently desire, wisely pursue, truly recognize, and bring to perfect completion, to the praise and glory of your name. Amen.”Click here for the video.