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Mary’s Month

Sr. Ann Catherine Swaileso.p.

May is Mary’s month and I/muse at that, and wonder why?

So begins a poem called “The May Magnificat”, by Gerard Manley Hopkins, SJ.

May is, of course, Mary’s month; around this time in other years many of us will have participated in pilgrimages, processions, May devotions of one sort or another; last year we even had our very own coronation ceremony in honour of Our Lady in the Mary Garden on the roof terrace, complete with a very miniature crown made from tiny flowers, and with a spirited rendition of Fr Mark’s very favourite Marian hymn, Bring Flowers of the Fairest (I believe the video might still be available).  Perhaps we too have vaguely wondered why this month is especially dedicated to Our Lady: after all, as Fr Hopkins goes on to remind us in his poem, in general, “her feasts follow reason/dated due to season”. The timing of Liturgical celebrations commemorating events in the life of Mary in other words, have a certain, quite down to earth, rationale behind them.  So, for instance, the Annunciation, when Mary conceives Jesus, occurs on 25th March, exactly 9 months before Christmas; her own birthday is celebrated on 9th September, equally exactly 9 months after we commemorate her Immaculate Conception on 8th December.

Read more …Mary’s Month

Aquinas on the Passions talk 2: On Love and Charity

by Sr Mary Magdalene Eitenmiller o.p.

This 'Aquinas on the Passions' video focuses on the passion of Love according to St. Thomas, as well as the theological virtue of Charity. Sr. Mary Magdalene will also explain the relationship between the passions and our intellect or reason, as well as the relationship between the passions and the virtues, in general. For an overview of the 11 main passions as well a few slides explaining them, go to the first talk, "Passions and Virtues in a Time of Distress," here The Thomistic Studies channel is for those interested in studying the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas and applying it to daily life


Read more …Aquinas on the Passions talk 2: On Love and Charity

St Catherine of Siena and the Gift of Fortitude in Time of Plague


Sr Chiara Mary Tessaris, op

The following meditation is based on Sigrid Undset, Catherine of Siena, (Sheed and Ward) London 1954 and Arrigo Levasti, My Sevant Catherine, (The Newman Press) Maryland 1954.

copyright Lawrence Lew o.p.
St Catherine of Siena

 The Catholic Church teaches that “Fortitude is the moral virtue that ensures firmness in difficulties and constancy in the pursuit of the good. It strengthens the resolve to resist temptations and to overcome obstacles in the moral life. The virtue of fortitude enables one to conquer fear, even fear of death, and to face trials and persecutions. It disposes one even to renounce and sacrifice his life in defence of a just cause.  (CCC 1808)

Read more … St Catherine of Siena and the Gift of Fortitude in Time of Plague

Passions and virtues in a time of distress

This is a talk given by Sr Mary Magdalene Eitenmiller, a novice of the Dominican Sisters of St Catherine of Siena (Stone) as part of her course on St Thomas Aquinas. Here she explores how the teaching of St Thomas may help us to face the current Coronavirus crisis - and any other crisis in our lives by focusing upon the good.  Click here to see the video

 For more videos of this type, subscribe to: Thomistic Studies

Meeting of Novices, March 5-8, 2020

Novices and novice mistresses at ValehradOn Thursday, March 5, our novices of the English Congregation of St. Catherine of Siena, Stone (Sr. Chiara Mary and Sr. Mary Magdalene), together with their novice mistress, Sr. Angela Mary, flew to the Czech Republic for a gathering with other Dominican novices and their novice mistresses from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia, and Hungary. The number of persons, including those of the local Dominican community, was 26.

The event was organized by Sr. Bernadeta Prašková of the Czech Dominican Congregation and was held in Bojkovice. Sr. Marie Kašparová kindly gave our sisters a lift from the Brno airport to the convent in Bojkovice. Each day, each congregation of sisters took turns preparing music for Mass and the Divine Office. The Mass was celebrated in Latin by Fr. Damián Němec, O.P., with the readings of the day given out in diverse languages.

Read more …Meeting of Novices, March 5-8, 2020