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Prayer, Fasting, and Alms-giving.

by Sr Tamsin Mary Geach o.p.

It is fashionable to decry the old-fashioned three-fold disciplines of Lent – prayer, fasting and almsgiving- as ‘negative’, over against a more ‘positive’ approach – ‘taking up’ rather than ‘giving up’.   For example a certain person has publicised on the internet their intention to take up the Saxophone for Lent, as well as signing up for a well-publicised 40 days of colour-coded online sponsored  act of generosity. 

Read more …Prayer, Fasting, and Alms-giving.


by Sr Mary Felix Rileyo.p.

To-day February 2nd we celebrate a feast-day which is accepted by The Church as The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord which celebrates the events recorded in today’s Gospel reading taken from St. Luke ch.2: 20-35 which is worth reading, pondering, and questioning.

Read more …Candlemas


by Sr M.Pauline Burling

Today’s feast has several fine images which could provide the starting point for a good meditation: the guiding star, the three gifts, the camels, the wise men themselves or the mighty, yet fearful King Herod.

Instead I would like to take the lines of our reading from Paul’s letter to Titus 3:4-5

            ‘When the kindness and love of our Saviour appeared, he saved us.  It was not because of any good works we ourselves had done but because of his own mercy that he saved us through the washing by which the Holy Spirit gives us new birth and life.’

Read more …EPIPHANY 2016