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Feed my lambs

Post communion reflection Jn 21 15-19 by Sr Ann Swailes

As Eastertide draws towards its close, we find ourselves in our gospel tonight back, so to speak, in Easter week, with the disciples trying to get used to a new reality, to make sense of a new dimension of reality that bursts into the world with the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.  

Read more …Feed my lambs

Vocations Weekend


Contact: Sr.Angela Mary Leydon o.p. , Tel: 01223 353730/ 355492                                                                

'When I survey the wondrous cross' A Sermon for Good Friday

by Sr Ann Catherine Swailes o.p.

'When I survey the wondrous cross', we have just sung, as we sing, year by year, in one of the best known and best loved, of all English Passiontide hymns.  It is so familiar indeed, that perhaps we rarely stop to consider the oddity of that first line, but it is odd, to say the least.   Of course, the one who hung on the Cross is wondrous, with a wonder beyond human words, the fairest of the children of men and the image of the invisible God. But the Cross? How can anyone talk of a barbaric means of execution as “wondrous”?

Read more …'When I survey the wondrous cross' A Sermon for Good Friday