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Be Reconciled To God

by Sr. Tamsin Mary Geach

A talk given to First Communicants' parents

Image result for prodigal son

 “There was a man who had two sons.  The younger one said to his father, ‘Father, give me my share of the estate.’ So he divided his property between them. “Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living. 

Read more …Be Reconciled To God

What is a St Thomas Weekend?

By Sr Valery Walker o.p.

TWO OR THREE times a year, St. Dominic’s Convent, Stone, Staffordshire, hosts a St Thomas Aquinas Study Weekend.  These weekends focus on an aspect of our Catholic Faith, on what it means to be human, for example; or on the Passion of Our Lord, or the faith of Our Lady.

Read more …What is a St Thomas Weekend?

A New Studio!

Studio seen from outside

ON Sunday 18th November we had the official opening of Sr Marie's new studio, with a blessing by Fr Dominic White o.p.  Fr. Dominic preached on the imprtance of art in preaching, as a medium that will touch hearts when words no longer function.  He then blessed the studio, concluding with a prayer adaptedd from a section of John Paul II's Letter to artists  We all enjoyed the beautiful exhibition of Sr Marie's photographic art.  
The studio will be one of those taking part in the 'open studios' event in Cambridge on November 25th and December 2nd between 2,00-7.00 pm. at 153 Huntingdon Rd Cambridge.  All welcome!

All time belongs to him.

by Sr Ann Catherine Swailes

Autumn days

Every year in Oxford, on 1st May, crowds gather in the early morning outside Magdalen College. At precisely 6am, the chapel choir appears at the top of the tower, singing hymns and madrigals to welcome the coming summer.

Read more …All time belongs to him.